Individual Photography
Our individual photography ranges from very traditional to very modern and we are very flexible in providing whatever you want.
Simple head and shoulder shots are fine if time is limited and when you just need the basics. We’ll always make sure the lighting, composition and, most importantly, expressions are right. Or you could go for something pretty academic with the children posing against a background that’s a bit different.
We also enjoy taking contemporary photographs, either on a white or grey background. These can either be sitting on the floor or just the children’s top half – the sky’s the limit!
A question we get asked a lot is ‘why can’t we mix a pack with different photographs?’ Well now our parents can with SmartPacks. When ordering online parents have always had the option of purchasing a pack of school photographs or individual prints. Parents have even been able to create their own unique pack with different photographs (even from different schools) enjoying some pretty smart prices too, with as much as 50% off.
Now if a parent has two or more children in school they can create any of the published special packs with SmartPacks simply by dragging images into it. Any number of images can be used in a SmartPack as long as they are from the same school. Now that’s SMART!
If you would like more details on how best we can serve your school please contact us.